Pdte. Jiri Pecina
Chair of the Cybersecurity CommitteeMBA in International Management. CEO and Founder of MEDDI Hub, a company working in niche Telemedicine in Central Europe and pioneer of patient-centered niche Telemedicine in Latin America. Vice President of Alliance for Telemedicine, Digitization of Healthcare and Social Services. International Speaker.

Dr. Freddy Pomares
Chair. of the Investigation CommitteePhysiatrist Specialist in Rehabilitation, Master in Neurosciences, Doctor of Medicine. Director of International Cooperation University of Cartagena. Chief responsible for the telemedicine platform that applies to the legislation and management of health services information systems, Managing Director of the National Pilot Project of the Department of Bolivar. Scientific Director of the Progreso y Salud del Caribe Foundation, Director of Research and Technological Innovation in Health ESE, Local Hospital Cartagena de Indias, since July 14, 1989. Professor and Coordinator of International Projects and Director of the Research Group for the Application of ICT in Health. University of Cartagena

Dr. Samuel Barboza
Chair of the Children's Health CommissionPhysician and Master in Public Health Deputy Head of Postgraduate Pediatrics. Former CMO of 1DOC3 and former CCO in DOC-DOC, Consultant in Telehealth, Child Health, Mental Health, Occupational Health, Health Policies and Tele-education with publications in indexed journals. He currently works as Secretary of the Presidency and Project Coordinator of the Colombian Medical Association.

Dr. Luis Arocha
Chair Mental Health CommissionNeurointegrative Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist. Epistemologist. Former NEUROCODEX. E.M.D.R. I, NLP Trainer, and International Coach (I.C.C.). Conflictologist. University Professor. Author and co-author of 23 books and 6 CDs on NLP and NEUROCODEX, of which he is the main creator. Founding partner of the Latin American Institute of Coaching and Therapy (ILACOT). World pioneer of ultramodern medicine. Founder of the NEUROCODEX College. Diploma in Telemedicine and practice of Telepsychiatry.

Dra. Cecilia Henríquez
Chair of the Veterinary Telemedicine CommissionVeterinary Doctor, Veterinary e-Medicine, Televeterinary, Diploma in Applied Artificial Intelligence in Health, Diploma in Practical Teaching of Connected Health, Master/Postgraduate Degree in Companion Animal Medicine and Surgery, Master in Biodiversity and Microbial and Parasitic Interactions. Master in Biodiversity and Microbial and Parasitic Interactions, Advisor and Teacher in Animal E-health, Telemedicine, Medical Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Management and (Neuro) Digital Marketing. Director (R) evolution.vet

Ing. Daniel Otzoy
Chair Digital Transformation CommissionSpecialist in international digital transformation. Co-founder and Executive Director of the Central American Health Informatics Network (RECAINSA), expert member of the Digital Health working group of the Broadband Commission, member of the digital public goods working group (UNICEF). Vice President of the Executive Council of the Center for Equity Studies and Governance of Health Services (CEGSS, and technical advisor for digital health at John Snow, Inc.

Dr. Miguel Guevara
Chair Liaison CommissionSurgeon, specialist in health services management - Diploma in Medical Law. Diploma in Telemedicine, Master of Science, mention in behavioral therapy. Teacher in the Diploma of Telemedicine. Co-author of the book Transform your practice to the Digital World.

Dr. Roberto Baquero
Chair. Ethics CommitteeMedical Specialist in Ophthalmology. Master in Bioethics. Former Director of the Colombian Association of Scientific Societies (ACSC), National Association of Health Professionals (ASSOSALUD). Former President of the Colombian Medical Association. Member of the Colombian Society of Ophthalmology, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, American Academy of Ophthalmology, currently he is the Executive Director of the Colombian Medical College.

Lic. Martha Palma
Chair. Connected Patients CommissionMother of 2 children with type 1 diabetes, Coach and journalist. She currently serves as general coordinator of the Asociación Civil Guerreros Azules, a pioneer in Venezuela in the work to improve the quality of life of families with the condition, working intensively in social networks on type 1 diabetes and resilience, and is writing a book about it.